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Laboratory News



May 2023 - Dr. Kentner is presenting an invited Keynote at the

Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)

Canada meeting in Montebello QC  this month.



April 2023 - our undergraduate Laurel Geist absolutely rocked her poster

presentation at the MCPHS Center for Research & Discovery Annual 

Meeting. Congratulations Laurel!



March 2023 - Dr. Kentner had a great time as one of the keynote speakers

for the Early Life and Prenatal Health in Neurodevelopment (ELePHIiNt)

meeting in Montreal hosted by McGill University and the Max Plank

Institute. Thank you for the invite! 



January 2023 - Our amazing new postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Julia Martz has

joined our team. Welcome Julia!





September 1, 2022 - Listen in as we provide an overview of our most recent eNeuro paper on the awesome @MommyBrain_Pod Podcast hosted by Dr. Jodi Pawluski:


August 2022 - News release "The environment alters breastmilk and maternal behavior in rats":


April 2022


We are recruiting here in Boston! Our lab has an available NIMH funded postdoctoral position to study inflammatory-induced fetal programming and the epigenetic mechanisms underlying resiliency. Please check out the job posting for more information and to apply:


February 2022 - OUR FUNDING HAS BEEN RENEWED!! Congrats to the Kentner Laboratory for receiving their Notice of Award from NIMH for the continuation of their project: Targeted inhibition of stress associated pathways to promote resilience against maternal immune activation. This award falls under an R15 mechanism that helps support primarily undergraduate research institutions.


February 2022 - Congratulations to Hieu Tran for being awarded a MCPHS Summer Research Fellowship to conduct research in this lab this summer!


January 2022 - An amazing presentation from Holly DeRosa earned her a Trainee Student Talk Award at the Prenatal and Early Life Factors Impacting Behaviour and Mental Health Conference, hosted by the Douglas Research Center in Montreal Canada [Virtual Presentation].


November 2021 - MCPHS University News “Psychology Professor Recognized by the National Institutes of Health for Research in Environmental Enrichment”:


November 2021 - Congratulations to Hieu Tran for earning the Best Undergraduate Poster Award at the annual NeuroBoston Fall meeting (Boston SfN Chapter)!


July 2021- Congratulations to Ruqayah Mohammed for winning the  Best Undergraduate Student Poster (Session 1) at the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual meeting!!!!


June 2021 - A recent article from the lab ( was highlighted in this media piece from the Spectrum (Simmons Foundation) evaluating a recent Nature Neuroscience paper that Dr. K was asked to comment on:  “Immune-regulating cells contribute to autism-like traits in mice” 


April 2021 - It's a big month! The lab we will be presenting virtually at the  International Symposium of Reproductive Health ( on May 7th. We received word that our submission was one of the most highly rated. Congratulations everyone!


April 2021 - Congratulations to Mary Erickson who  has been accepted and plans to attend Northeastern University's Master of Biomedical Science Program this Fall 2021!


April 2021 - Undergraduate student Hieu Tran had his abstract accepted to the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society 2021 meeting this summer. Hieu will be presenting a virtual poster. Please come join him there! Congratulations Hieu!





April 2021 - Dr. K was invited to  participate in the

PsychoNeuroImmunology  Research Society

(PNIRS) Seminar Series PNIRS Presents and

gave a virtual seminar. 

Thank you for the invite PNIRS!





March 2021 - Congratulations to undergraduate authors Ruqayah Mohammed, Mary Erickson and Hieu Tran for their first paper acceptance. Along with postdoc Dr. Xin Zhao (first author), their paper has just been accepted to Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2021.03.018). Congratulations everyone!


February 2021 - Congratulation to Sahith Kaki who was awarded an MCPHS Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) to work in the laboratory this summer!


February 2021 - Congratulations to Dr. Xin Zhao for two new preprints of our work from the lab with undergraduates Hieu Tran, Ruqayah Mohammed, Mary Erikson and Ryland Roderick as coauthors. Congratulations also to Xin for starting his new postdoctoral position at Cornell University in Ithaca NY!


November 2020 - Big Congratulations to Ruqayah Mohammed & Hieu Tran who were each awarded a mini-grant from the MCPHS Center for Undergraduate Research for their competitive applications on maternal immune activation.


April 2020 -Yet another congratulations to Madeline Puracchio and Ryland Roderick!!! Ryland was awarded an MCPHS Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship (SURF) and Madeline received a Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Student Travel Award (the meeting was canceled due to COVID19, but we look forward to her virtual awards ceremony on May 16th 2020)!


February 2020 - Congratulations to undergraduate student Dominic Rainone who was awarded a Summer Research Internship in Science and Engineering (RISE) Program at Max Planck Institute for Colloiods and Interfaces in Potsdam Germany!!


February 2019 - Welcome to Dr. Xin Zhao who is joining us from Madison Wisconson as our new postdoctoral fellow!


December 2019 - Congratulations to Madeline Puracchio and Ryland Roderick who were each awarded their MCPHS Undergraduate Center for Research Mini-Grants. These awards will fund both students to present their data at national conferences this summer!


September 2018 -  An exciting year: Amanda Kentner receives Bucher Award, NIMH Research Grant 


May 31st 2018 - WE ARE OFFICIALLY FUNDED!! Congrats to the Kentner Laboratory for receiving their Notice of Award from NIMH for their project: The protective role of environmental enrichment on placental mediators of hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis dysfunction in a prenatal inflammatory rat model. This award falls under an R15 mechanism that helps support primarily undergraduate research institutions.


October 2017- Congratulations to Stephanie Scalia! Stephanie was awarded the SURF Research Scholar Award for her summer project! 


November 2017 - Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Amanda Kentner 


February 22nd 2017 - Welcome to Stephanie Scalia who is joining the laboratory as our Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF)!!! 


January 31st 2017 - Congratulations to Jenny Nguyen on her first publication! This paper "Effects of water bottle materials and filtration on Bisphenol-A content in laboratory animal drinking water" resulted from one of Jenny's SURF projects that she worked on over the summer. It was done in collaboration with the Brenhouse Laboratory at Northeastern University. 


October 2016 - Siyang Yan's paper "Mechanical allodynia corresponds to Oprm1 downregulation within the descending pain network of male and female rats exposed to neonatal immune challenge" was just accepted to the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity to be included as part of their special issue on perinatal inflammation. Congratulations Siyang!  


October 2016 - Great work Jenny Nguyen! Jenny was awarded a SURF Excellence in Research award for her summer project! 


October 2016 - Dr. Kentner received the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Mentorship award at last nights banquet. This is her third time being given this honor.   


February 26 2016 - Congratulations to Karen Nunez who successfully defended her MA Thesis proposal!!!


February 19 2016 - Congratulations to Jenny Nguyen who was awarded a 2016 MCPHS Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)!


Tiffany Macrina feature: An Unusual Source of Inspiration  Congratulations!!!


November 7 2014: Great work Molly MacRae! Molly received a SURF Excellence in Research award for her summer project evaluating the sensorimotor effects of neonatal LPS!!!


Wonderful News:

April 29 2014 - Congratulations to Tiffany Macrina who received a Summer Health Care Internship to work in the lab!

A Fun Farewell! 


April 5 2014 - Eric Connors was accepted into three graduate programs this semester. He will be leaving us for sunny San Diego for a Clinical PhD Psychology program at Alliant International University this Fall 2014! The lab is going to miss him, but wishes Eric all the success in the world!


Fabulous News:

March 11 2014 - Both Molly MacRae and Sofiya Sovlaska were awarded 2014 MCPHS Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)!


A Happy Send off: 

January 15 2014: Megan Small was accepted to the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYCOM) where she will begin this Fall 2014. The lab is so very proud of her!



December 18 2013: Great work Eric Connors! Eric received a Best SURF Student award for his summer project.

Feb 16 2013: Congratulations go out to Eric Connors who was awarded a 2013 MCPHS Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)!!!

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Contact Information


School of Arts & Sciences
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

179 Longwood Avenue
Boston Massachusetts


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